2018Honest Ad Renewable Energy – Honest Government Ad June 8, 2018April 8, 2019 The Australien Government has made an ad about its renewable energy policy, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. I ho... 11.2K
2018Honest Ad Aussie Arms Industry – Honest Government Ad June 8, 2018April 8, 2019 The Australien Government made an ad about how its plans to become one of the top 10 exporters of arms in the world, and it’s... 12.8K
2018Honest Ad Trickledown Economics – Honest Government Ad June 8, 2018April 8, 2019 The Australien Government has made an ad about Trickle Down Economics – and its surprisingly honest and informative With a fed... 12.2K
2018Honest Ad Charity Gag Law – Honest Government Ad June 8, 2018April 8, 2019 The Australien Government just made an ad about its new law to silence charities and community groups and it’s surprisingly ho... 8.6K
2017Honest Ad Honest Government Ad | Net Neutrality December 12, 2017April 8, 2019 Hey everyone, the FCC just released an ad about its plans to kill net neutrality (and the Internet as we know it), and it’s su... 9K
2018Honest Ad Genuine Satire (feat. George Brandis) – Honest Government Ad June 8, 2018April 8, 2019 The Australien Government just released an ad to stop people from impersonating the Government, and it’s surprisingly honest a... 114.5K
2018Honest Ad War on Satire – Honest Government Ad June 8, 2018April 8, 2019 The Australien Government just released this ad about how it doesn’t like us satirically impersonating the Australian Governme... 10.6K
2017Honest Ad Marriage Equality Plebbyshite – Honest Government Ad August 17, 2017April 8, 2019 If you’re straight (like me) or not particularly keen on marriage (like me), you might think this has nothing to do with you.... 11.7K
2017Honest Ad WealthCare – Honest Government Ad August 2, 2017April 8, 2019 Our latest vid is about healthcare! Coz I have friends in the US and I’d like them to not die. The US Government just released... 10.9K
Blog Juice Media Needs Your Help! July 5, 2017July 7, 2017 Dear friends who our videos – Giordano here with an important message. I don’t particularly like asking for help. But t... 10.1K
2017Honest Ad Honest Government Advert – Visit Puerto Rico July 4, 2017April 8, 2019 Hola amigos, here is our latest Honest Government Ad! After the Visit Hawai’ i video, SO many Boricuas asked us to make one ab... 11.3K
2017Honest Ad Honest Government Ad – Corporate Welfare June 2, 2017April 8, 2019 Hi! Here’s a new Honest Advert from the Australien Government. It’s about the billion dollar handout for the Adani coal... 9K