(PG VERSION) Honest Government Ad | Coronavirus: Economic Recorvery (DERP) June 17, 2020June 17, 20207.2K00 👉 TAKE ACTION: DEMAND A JUST RECOVERY 🔹 350.org Australia: Peoples’ Recovery 🔹 Friends of the Earth: Take Action! 🔹 Fossil Fuels Watch: keep the bastards honest 🔹 Unemployed Workers Union: Green Jobs Energy Guarantee 🔹 ACTU: Rebuilding Jobs and Our Economy Beyond the Covid19 Crisis 🔹 GetUp! Peoples’ Recovery 🔹 The Greens: Recovery Plan (PG VERSION) The Australien Government has made an ad about its Economic Recovery Plan, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. You can find the uncensored version here You can find more PG versions of our videos here