The Juice Media Podcast
A companion to the Honest Government Ads series – hosted by the writer and producer of the Honest Government Ads, Giordano Nanni.
The podcasts are now available as videos on our YouTube channel.
Transcripts and show notes available on our podcast host.
If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe via your podcast app and most importantly, recommend it to your friends and family.
Oct 01, 2023
A conversation with David Suzuki & Severn Cullis-Suzuki
During my visit to Canada I had the honour of meeting renowned scientist, broadcaster and activist David Suzuki as well as his daughter and fellow-activist Severn Cullis-Suzuki. So I asked them a bunch of questions that are relevant to Australia.
Feb 26, 2023
We need to talk about the Safeguard Mechanism | with Adam Bandt
Labor's key policy to regulate the coal and gas industry, the Safeguard Mechanism, will only pass through the Senate with support from the Greens. So my guest today is the leader of the Greens, Adam Bandt
Sep 28, 2022
We need to talk about Brazil's election | with Sabrina Fernandes
Brazil's election is on October 2nd and the outcome is criticial for the whole world: I talk about it with academic and YouTuber Sabrina Fernandes - who co-wrote our latest Honest Government Ad and did the voiceover too.
Aug 04, 2022
We need to talk about the US Supreme Court | with Pixelsmixel
In which we launch the new Juice Media Podcast format for Season 3, and talk about the US Supreme Court and it's plans for the 2024 election. Feat. Pixelsmixel
May 26, 2022
Election Wrap-up!
Giordano here with some final thoughts on this election result, and what comes next, before we get ready to launch into Season 3 of the Honest Governmenty Ads.
May 09, 2022
We need to talk about how to vote | with Giordano & Ellen
Ep 31: In which we answer your questions on how our voting system works and how to make your vote count on climate at this crucial election - feat. Ellen Burbidge!
Apr 13, 2022
We need to talk about carbon offseting rorts | with Polly Hemming
Ep 30: In which I ask Polly Hemming a billion questions to help us better understand how the Coalition is rorting carbon credits and offsets and the shit-buffett that is the Clean Energy Regulator and Emissions Reduction Fund.
Mar 23, 2022
We need to talk about these floods | with Sue Higginson
Ep 29: In which I talk with Lismore local, farmer, mother/grandmother, and kickass environmental lawyer Sue Higginson about the incredible community response to these devstating floods; the acts of heroism that saved hundreds of lives; Morrison's shitty visit to Lismore and the woeful governmenmt response; as well as the Sharma v Sussan Ley federal court case, and more.
Mar 08, 2022
We need to talk about the latest IPCC report | with Peter Kalmus & Ella Gilbert
Ep 28: In which I chat with not one, but two climate scientists about the IPCC's latest Working Group II report, and how to deal with the psychological toll that this fuckery is having on all of us who are paying attention. Feat. NASA scientist Peter Kalmus and atmospheric scientist, Ella Gilbert.
Dec 20, 2021
We need to talk about the 2022 Election | with Simon Holmes à Court
Ep 27: In which I chat with Simon Holmes à Court about Hung Parliaments, Not-Shit Independents and how they can help end this shit-stained Government at the 2022 election.
Nov 15, 2021
We need to talk about honesty | with Greta Thunberg
Episode 26: In which I chat with Greta Thunberg about the importance of honesty in the fight for real climate action; her experience of COP26; and other important issues - like how much she loves the Honest Government Ads 😛
Oct 09, 2021
We need to talk about not going to war with China | with Allan Behm
Ep 25: In which I chat with Allan Behm about AUKUS, the new trilateral pact between Australia, the US and UK, and what we should actually be doing to ensure peace and stability in our region rather than helping bring about fkn World War 3 🙂
Sep 07, 2021
We need to talk about Carbon Capture & Storage | with Richie Merzian
Ep 24: In which I chat with Richie Merzian about the top two bullshit climate solutions the Australian government (and others) are proposing to use to reduce CO2 emissions: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Blue Hydrogen.
Aug 04, 2021
We need to talk about how Covid is airborne | with Dr David Berger
Ep 23: In which I ask Dr David Berger about airborne transmission of Covid19 and why, along with vaccination, we must fix our shitty hotel quarantine system if we're going to prevent ongoing outbreaks like the one currently screwing Sydney sideways.
Jul 12, 2021
What’s happening with the Gasled Sh!tF*ckery? | Lock the Gate
Ep 22: in which we take a journey around Australia with Naomi from Lock the Gate so we can get an overview of the Government's gas-led shitfuckery - including huge new fracking projects - and things local communities can do to stop it. Plus a special guest!
May 01, 2021
Why Australia sucks so much at EVs FFS | with Ketan Joshi
Ep 21: in which I chat with Ketan Joshi about EVs: how Norway succeeded in electrifing its transport system; how the Australian Government is failing at it; and why the Victorian Government is trying to tax EVs, FFS
Mar 03, 2021
We need to talk about the News Media Barganing Code | with Lizzie O'Shea
Ep 20: in which I chat with digital rights lawyer Lizzie O'Shea about the News Media Bargaining Code to get a deeper understanding of the shitty and very consequentlial law the Australian Government just passed, and which Governments around the world will want to copy.
Feb 15, 2021
The New Climate War | with Michael E. Mann
Ep 19: In which we open the new year by giving the mic to climate scientist Michael E. Mann who talks about the new challenges we face in this critical decade for climate action, and as we enter an election year here in Gasland (aka Australia). Content warning: contains unusual levels of optimism.
Dec 21, 2020
We need to talk about these Kyoto carryover credits | with Richie Merzian
Ep 18: In which we take a trip back in time with Richie Merzian to learn the story of how Australia earned it's precious Kyoto Carryover Credits and, in the process, learn about international climate politics and why our Government has pissed off the entire world with its bullshit. Essential history for all Aussies.
Nov 01, 2020
US Election Special | with James from the Internet
Ep 17: In which I chat with our US correspondent James From The Internet about all the shitfuckery that will be going down on, and especially *after* election day in the USA. A great summary for anyone who's been living under a rock and just came out to vote.
Oct 10, 2020
Are the Libs "Good Economic Managers"? | with Richard Denniss
Ep. 16: In which I chat with economist Richard Denniss about the Government's economic shitfuckery as we head into a deep recession, the federal budget, MMT, taxes and whether the Libs really are good economic managers.
Sep 20, 2020
We need to talk about the 2020 election | with Noam Chomsky
Ep. 15: In which I ask world-renowened intellectual, activist and political dissident Noam Chomsky to comoment on the unfolding trainwreck of the 2020 US election, the state of humanity, democracy, Julian Assange and more...
Jun 20, 2020
Are the Greens to blame for Australia's lack of climate policy? | with Adam Bandt
Ep 14: In which I give the leader of The Greens Adam Bandt a chance to respond to Malcolm Turnbull's claim in our last podcast that the Greens are to blame for our lack of climate policy today. You wanted debates folks!
Jun 14, 2020
We need to talk about a lot of things | with Malcolm Turnbull
Ep 13: In which I talk with former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull about our Honest Government Ads, the climate wars, and what we can do to get meaningful climate legislation before this Government gets us all killed.
May 22, 2020
We need to talk about the Machine | with Naomi Klein
Ep 12: In which I have an epic chat with award-winning author Naomi Klein about the lessons we're learning during this historic period, the decisions we need to make before the Machine is turned back on, the coming US election, and much more
May 09, 2020
We need to talk about the Machine | with Lizzie O'Shea & Ben Eltham
Ep 11: In which I have an in-depth chat about the Government’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the CovidSafe tracing App, the economic bailout and more, with human/digital-rights lawyer Lizzie O’Shea and journalist Ben Eltham
Mar 21, 2020

We need to talk about the Coronavirus | with Dr Norman Swan
Ep 10: In which I speak with Dr Norman Swan, presenter of ABC's Health Report and co-host of Coronacast, about the latest Covid-19 situation in Australia, our Government's response, school closures, potential treatments, and what we need to do right now to avoid Italy's nightmare.
Feb 23, 2020

We need to talk about the Fires | with Prof. Michael E Mann
Ep 9: In which I speak with renowned climate scientist Michael E. Mann, co-author of the famous hockey stick graph, about the fires, the science, the clouds and our government's climate shitfuckery.
Feb 18, 2020

We need to talk about the Fires | with Simon Holmes à Court
Ep 8: In which I speak with Simon Holmes à Court about the state of renewables in Australia, our long history of shitfuckery with energy and climate policy, and the solutions that are right within our grasp to avoid epic climate change fail.
Dec 14, 2019

We need to talk about these Quiet Australians | with Scott Ludlam
Ep 7: in which I have an extended conversation with Scott Ludlam, formerly an Australian Senator and currently a not-quiet Australian, about wtf is going - everything from the fires currently raging across our country, to our deadshit government's response, environmental resistance movements, and what we can all do to play a part.